Women's rights are talked about very frequently, especially when it comes to abortion in Minnesota. It has been a decades-long discussion about whether abortion is morally right and whether it should be legal. However, the focus is usually contained to the rights of...
Finding Solutions To Complex Issues
Fathers’ Rights
How does remarriage affect your child?
It is common for fathers to end up as the non-custodial parent in Minnesota. You get visitation time with your children, but you probably also spend a lot of time alone. It is no surprise that you may start dating and even begin to think about getting remarried....
How to introduce your new partner to your children
Many fathers in Minnesota may think now that the divorce is final, the tough stuff is behind them. However, the reality is the hard things do not stop there. Most now-single fathers will begin to date, and at some point in a new relationship, it will be time to...
How to handle vaccine arguments with your ex
Divorced couples in Minnesota have many issues that remain after the papers are signed. This is especially true if they have children. The anti-vaccination movement has begun to have an effect of divorced couples who each stand on either side of the issue. When...
Do you have recourse as a victim of paternity fraud?
If you are a Minnesota father and you believe you have been a victim of paternity fraud, you may be wondering whether you have any legal recourse. Paternity fraud occurs when you are made to mistakenly believe you are the father of a child by the child’s mother,...
Establishing paternity for unwed fathers in Minnesota
If you live in Minnesota and believe you fathered a child with a woman who is not your legal wife, you have very few rights with regard to that child. There are, however, actions you may take to pursue legal rights. At , we have a...
Why children need their fathers
Although mothers are given primary custody of their children in many cases of parental separation, the role of fathers is still essential. Children need emotional love and support from both parents in order to properly develop. If you have recently separated or filed...
How is the father’s role changing today?
As a Minnesota father, it is likely that you are noticing a shift in expectations about how you should be involved in your child’s life. As gender roles change and more mothers shoulder the burden of the family income, fathers across the United States are able...
Unmarried father? Know the legal significance of paternity
If you and your significant are not married and the two of you have a child together, you should understand the importance of establishing paternity. Simply being listed on the birth certificate is not enough to secure your parental rights if things end between the...
What do you do if your ex denies you visitation? Part 2
Visitation can be ordered without share custody. Visitation is the right for you to see your child and spend quality time with her. The goal of visitation is to ensure that you maintain a healthy connection to your child. Sadly, some parents try to use visitation...