Maintaining a sense of privacy and discretion during the emotionally charged divorce process can be challenging. In today's digitally connected world, the things you share online, especially on social media platforms, can significantly impact the outcome of your...
Finding Solutions To Complex Issues
Divorce doesn’t always have a negative effect on work
Any significant life event (positive or negative) is likely going to affect your job performance. Even if it doesn’t require you to take time off, it will probably take your focus off your work. Certainly, divorce is a significant life event. It’s generally believed...
Parenting when your ex has a toxic personality
What is a toxic person? Although it can vary from person to person, the term generally refers to someone--a parent in this context--with a high-conflict personality. Whether by accident or design, these individuals can make even minor issues more complicated than they...
How is debt handled during a Minnesota divorce?
If you resolve to end your marriage through divorce, you have to take various aspects of the partnership into account. One of these is the debt you incurred during the marriage and how it will be paid. It is normal to wonder if you will end up with a bigger chunk of...
Is it possible to have a divorce decree changed after the fact?
A decree is a legally binding decision entered into the record by a judge or court. In divorce, the judge issues a decree containing case information, including its decisions regarding the various elements of divorce (property, spousal support, etc.). You may...
What do people worry about most often in a divorce?
Even when you know it’s the right thing to do, getting a divorce can be stressful. There are many different things that you may worry about. One way to help is by identifying these areas first. You can then concentrate on finding solutions so that you don’t have to be...
Spring break survival guide for co-parents
Spring break will arrive soon for millions of kids across the U.S. When a child’s parents are divorced, though, the vacation period has the potential to draw stress, confusion and conflict. If you and your ex share children, the time to prepare for spring break and...
3 reasons why dating during divorce may be a bad idea
Filing for divorce is a challenging process for most people. Even if you know it is the right thing for you and your family; there are complicated issues that must be handled. You may finally feel free when you file the papers to divorce your spouse; however, diving...
A child’s college costs should get attention during divorce talks
If your children range from preschool to attending college, you understand the importance of education. And this fact is not lost on you now that you and your spouse head toward divorce. As a result, you wonder how to and who will pay for those current or future...
Top reasons couples get divorced
Many couples who get divorced never expected it to happen, and they are just as surprised as anyone. But, often, the signs of an impending divorce were there. They simply didn’t see them until their spouse officially filed for divorce. In this sense, it can help to...