Division Of Complex Financial Assets
If your financial holdings go beyond a checking account and savings account, you need an experienced divorce attorney looking out for your financial assets.
Safeguarding and proper dividing of these assets calls for an attorney who knows what they are worth. At Huson Law Firm, PLLC, in St. Paul, our experienced team can assist you with the division of complex financial assets such as:
- Deferred compensation plans
- Employee stock options
- Closely held businesses
- Family businesses
- Real estate investments
Our team has the experience to identify important financial assets and make sure they are properly considered as part of any property settlement in divorce. This goes beyond determining the value of the assets and identifying whether they are divisible in divorce. We consider the tax consequences of complex financial assets to ensure that the overall property division will have favorable tax impacts.
The Importance Of An Accurate Valuation
Ensuring an accurate valuation of property can have a substantial impact on the outcome on your financial future after divorce. When businesses and other investments are involved, it is critical to obtain an accurate premarital valuation as well as a true measure of the increase in value during the marriage. At Huson Law Firm, PLLC, we pay attention to detail to develop a valuation that reflects the true nature of your assets throughout your relationship.
Understanding The Tax Implications
Understanding the tax implications of transferring and disposing of various assets is just as important as obtaining an accurate valuation. Our firm factors in existing tax liabilities, potential capital gains issues as well as income tax rates when addressing significant assets in divorce.
Is your family business underwater? Dividing liabilities is an important but sometimes overlooked part of divorce. We will make sure you are not saddled with an unfair burden.
A Proven Twin Cities Law Firm For Your Asset Division Needs
With the cost of raising children — and the cost of living in general — on the rise, it is crucial to get the most mileage possible out of the assets you have amassed during your marriage.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a lawyer. You can email us online or call us at 651-968-0822. We represent clients in St. Paul, Minneapolis and throughout Minnesota.